Does evernote support surface pro stylus
Does evernote support surface pro stylus

does evernote support surface pro stylus

So why does paper continue to hold on to its place in the world of productivity tools? In the past, there was resistance to television, refrigeration, sound in film, the automobile and even the cotton gin, but in the end these new technologies eradicated their predecessors. Livescribe makes pens which function like normal ballpoints while simultaneously capturing the pen strokes in a digital format.Īnd Mod Notebooks allow you to mail them your completed notebook, which they will then scan and digitize for you. Whitelines offers products with light grey paper and white lines which are designed to disappear when scanned, preserving only the text or image on the page. Notebook company Moleskine partnered with Evernote to create, which automatically file handwritten notes through the use of stickers. On the other end of the spectrum, pen and paper companies are innovating just as quickly to find their place in the digital world:

does evernote support surface pro stylus

Evernote and OneNote both incorporate “Optical Character Recognition” into their apps, allowing users to handwrite notes or to scan in paper notes without sacrificing the ability to search their text. Facebook, Dropbox, and FiftyThree each have an app that they call “Paper”.Īnd the crossover between digital and analog doesn’t end with metaphors. Yet, Apple still calls their new stylus a “Pencil” while Microsoft offers theirs as a “Pen”.

does evernote support surface pro stylus

In recent years, Apple, Google and Microsoft have openly accepted flat design in an attempt to move past the need for these real-world metaphors.

Does evernote support surface pro stylus